SBC Week 10: GOODBYEE!! ✌️😭

ALOHA!!! Hey, guys!! So, its the last week! In today’s post, I will be answering a couple questions about my school year. 

  1. What did you enjoy most this school year?

Honestly, I don’t know. We did so many things this school year its hard to remember. One of my favorite things was a social studies project where we had to run a market/business. I also just loved hanging out with all of my friends this year! There were many Fridays where some of us would just go to the mall, hang out, and get dinner. Go check out my two best friends Ally and Reise’s Blog! 

2. What you would have changed if you could redo this school year?

I would have taken care of the very few late forms that I had right when I saw that it was missing. Instead of just leaving it and waiting for my parents to yell at me, take care of it right away. I also would have asked for help when I needed it. I got a couple bad grades because I didn’t get the homework and didn’t ask for help.

3. What you’re looking forward to next school year?

I’m looking forward to the Japan Study Tour! Like I mentioned in one of my other posts, every year the 8th graders at my school go to Japan for 11 days! I’m so excited for it next year!! It’s gonna be so fun with all of my friends and classmates. I’m also kind of excited but not excited to graduate. I have been going to this school for most of my life so it will be very sad when I leave.

This is the is the crosswalk in Shibuya with a lot of people!
via creative commons search

Thank you so much for reading this post! I will try to blog as much as possible the summer! Have a wonderful summer! Happy blogging! Mahalo!✌️❤️

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