ALOHA!!! Hey, guys! In today’s post I will be sharing with you guys my two types of people pictures that I created. I used Canva to create these images. Comment below what your pick would be for these. Top of your pizza V.S. Crust of your pizza🍕 2. Side cup of ketchup V.S. all over your […]
Author: hmstaylor
SBC Week 4: My Own Emoji!
ALOHA!! Hey, guys! In today’s post, I will be showing you guys the emoji that I created. Here is my emoji: To create this emoji I used Made With Code Emoji. At first, I was like, “Oh no… it’s coding.” Because I am horrible at coding but it was actually fairly easy. I had a […]
SBC Week 3: Baking Slideshow!
Aloha !! Hey guys! I did the Image Task Cards and I made a slideshow about my favorite things that I’ve made. All of the images that I used are photos of desserts that I have made! Baking is my passion and I love doing it. In the picture with Thank you so much for […]
ALOHA!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!! So do you remember when I told you guys I applied for Kids Baking Championship? It happened! I am a competitor on Season 5 of Food Network’s Kids Baking Championship! I am so grateful for this amazing experience! The season finished airing on TV about a month ago. If you want to watch it […]
My Message to the World ❤️🌏
ALOHA! Hey, guys! In today’s post, I will be sharing with you guys a message that if I could I would share to the world. I’m going to write this as if I were writing a letter to the world. Dear World, I wish that you could please stop all of the fighting and wars […]
SBC Week 10: GOODBYEE!! ✌️😭
ALOHA!!! Hey, guys!! So, its the last week! In today’s post, I will be answering a couple questions about my school year. What did you enjoy most this school year? Honestly, I don’t know. We did so many things this school year its hard to remember. One of my favorite things was a social studies project […]
SBC Week Five: MY SPRING BREAK🌸✈️!!!
こにちは!!!Hey, guys! I know my intro is a bit different but I thought it was appropriate because today I will be talking about my trip to Japan!! This spring break, I went to Japan for spring break. It was so much fun and I want to go back! I went with some good friends and families. […]
SBC Week Six: QUOTES!!📖
ALOHA!!! Hey, guys! In today’s post, I will be showing you the quotes that I made. I used Canva to create both quotes. I have talked about using Canva in previous posts. I use Canva kind of a lot actually, whether it’s messing around with some text or for school, I think it’s a very good website. […]
SBC Week 4: Thinking Globally?🌎
ALOHA!!! Hey, guys! In today’s post, I will be talking about how our class thinks globally. In my LA class, we have talked about our island personally and how we need teamwork to make our island better. We were asked to write poems or create a short story. I wrote a poem. One alone it can’t […]
SBC Week 3: Making My Own Picture!!📷❤️
ALOHA!!! Hey, guys! In today’s post, I will be showing you a picture that I made. So recently I went to Japan for Spring Break, and I took a lot of pictures of the sakura (aka cherry blossom) and thought that it would be neat to use that in a picture. I took this picture at […]